Wednesday, April 2, 2008


In our last post we saw that Regeneration presupposes depravity, today, we want to see that;

Now get this truth; The New Birth is not accomplished by the preaching of the
In John 3, gospel light had no more attraction for Nicodemus, than sunlight attracts a blind man.

The good news of Christ's Person and Work is spiritual, but the natural man can't understand spiritual things [I Corinthians 2;14].
Nicodemus' question in John 3;4 proves he was yet, a natural man.

Regeneration precedes the sanctifying influence of the gospel, to render the light of Gospel Truth effective.
What is good news to a dead man/
As light cannot restore sight to a blind man, so the light of the Gospel cannot give spiritual light, to the spiritually blind.

Some hold that life is contained in the seed of the Word. Their proof text is
Hebrews 4;12. . .
This verse cannot be properly ascribed, to the word of the Gospel.

The word of the gospel is the instrumental means of conversion, not regeneration.

The context of Hebrews 4;12 shows that The Word refers to the Lord Jesus Christ.
The exhortation is based upon His infinite understanding [verse 13].
The all-seeing eye of Jesus Christ, not the word of the gospel, penetrates every thought and action of man.

Jesus Christ, The Incarnate Word [Revelation 19;13], is the person, to whom the
Hebrew believers must give an account of their profession of faith and obedience.

The Word of preaching cannot discern the human heart.
This prerogative belongs to the persons of the Godhead.

Only the prepared soil [Matthew 13;1-4] understands, and bears fruit. Such preparation is accomplished by the Holy Spirit in Regeneration.

The Word of The Gospel is powerful; it convinces, converts, and sanctifies the regenerated Mind and Heart. Yet the power of God is not in the written Word itself.

One of the greatest blunders, is to make the new birth dependent on man's faith.
people who do this use James 1;18, and I Peter 1;23 as proof texts.

But the exegesis of the texts demands no such conclusion.

James 1;18 does not refer to begetting, or conception, but to the bringing forth, or giving birth. Immediate Regeneration doesn't deny that The New Birth, in which, life becomes manifest, is secured by response to The Gospel;
But distinction must be made between conception and birth.
They are not the same.

There are 2 prepositions in I Peter 1;23, that must be distinguished, before the verse can be understood.
The 1st is ''OF'' [EK=From out of-The Source] incorruptible seed.
This is not the instrument, but the source of Regeneration.

''By'', [DIA--Through the instrument] The Word of God is the 2nd. This shows,
God's Word is the source of conversion. not regeneration.

God's act of giving life to those, who are spiritually dead, is distinct from The
gospel, just as the faculty of sight is different from light.

Quickening is an immediate and creative act [Ephesians 2;1]. No instrumental means are used with God's creative act.
The Word doesn't produce life, but is effective in those who possess life.

Life responds to Divine things. Nicodemus was told he had to be born again, before
He can see.
Once the faculty of sight is given, the recipient is guided by the The Word to
Repentance and Faith.
Saving faith is the gift of God--Eph. 2;8;Phil. 1;29; Heb.12;2]

Distinction must be made between the faculty of faith and its exercise.
[1.] The faculty of faith [ability to embrace Christ] is implanted in the heart, in
This is the immediate [without means], and sovereign work of The Holy Spirit.

[2.] The exercise of faith is wrought in conversion and sanctification, by the power of indwelling life.

Paul W. Foltz

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