Now, I want you to get this truth, if you will--The New Creature in Christ, is not produced, by the co-operation of Divine and Natural Power.
The Natural Man has no spiritual power--
Romans 5;6--''For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.''
The Flesh is opposed to The Spirit--Galatians 5;17--[Turn].
Now, I ask you, Wouldn't it be ridiculous to say that, a strength-less, unholy, and passive sinner
assists the Omnipotent, Holy and Active God, in such a delicate work, as Creation/
If Paul warns believers, about being unequally yoked to unbelievers, then, what about ungodly men and Holy God, yoked together, in salvation/
Now, get this truth; The Principle of ''after his kind'' holds true, in the spiritual, as it does, in the natural realm.
There are different kinds of flesh, and between these, there is a biological difference--I COR. 15;
The difference is safe-guarded, in the nature of each kind.
Man produces man; fish produce fish; Animal produces animal; Bird produces bird.
Each flesh has its own particular sphere and function.
Fish, however, doesn't become animal, and animal, doesn't become man.
Neither can fish cross with animal.
The same principle is a fact, in the spiritual sphere. . . John 3;6--[Turn].
Therefore unsaved man does not unite with The Holy Spirit, in effecting Regeneration.
Now, Get this truth; No Christian can believe in The Bible, and the theory of evolution, at the same time.
Evolution, which is the development of one thing into an entirely different thing, by its own inherent power, is error, from The Pit of Hell.
Evolution is taught as transmutation, in present-day text books.
Transmutation and mutation should be distinguished.
Transmutation is the change from 1 kind to a different kind;
mutation is the change, which takes place, within its own kind.
Now, you ask, ''What does this have to do with Regeneration/''
The flesh [fallen nature] of man, can never become spiritual, and The Spirit can never become fallen human nature--
John 3;6--''That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit, is Spirit.''
As man's essence as man, was not altered in his fall;
So God's essence as God, was not changed by the incarnation.
Man, in his upright condition was man--Genesis 1;26; Ecclestiastes 7;29--[Turn].
Now, changes have taken place within man, but, he is still man.
In The Fall, man changed from an upright man, to a depraved, and a wicked man.
Regeneration does not change the chemistry of a man's body;
but it does apply Redemption, in a creative way, to the soul.
The Redeemed soul awaits the redeemed body at The Resurrection.
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