Monday, April 28, 2008

part 4 continued.

[As I was saying, before I hit the wrong key, Christ was perfect in both His positions, as The Son of God, and The Son of Man.]

As to His Person, He is eternally Divine;
but in becoming man, He has come into a place, which in itself, is inferior to the place and condition of Deity.

But in Person, He is all that He ever was;
Thus, He is even as man, God's Fellow--
Zechariah 13;7-[Turn].

The word, ''Inferior,'' when used, in connection, with our Lord, applies to the position taken, and not, to The Person, Who took it.

If we do not admit His coming into a lower, or inferior position, in becoming a man, we have lost the meaning of The Incarnation.

It must be understood that neither The Son, nor The Holy Spirit, is subordinate in Deity. To
entertain such a thought, would be heresy.
But, They both, have been pleased, to take a subordinate place, in the economy of Revelation.

The Son of God, as well as, The Holy Spirit, is God, in the most absolute sense.
But The Son and The Spirit have been pleased, to take a relative position, which is not commensurate with Their full Personal Glory.

The Son, in Manhood, is seen , in a subordinate position, fulfilling the Father's will.
The Holy Spirit is also revealed, occupying a subordinate place;
He doesn't speak of Himself, but that, of which, glorifies The Son-John 16;7-14-[Turn].

Both The Son and The Spirit render Their wonderful service, in order to make known The

God as Father, has been made known by the Son. Our knowledge of God revealed by the holy name of Father, is dependent on The Incarnation.
Hence, Divine names and titles are used in The Bible, to identify The Persons.

Jesus Christ was not actually the Son of man, before the incarnation;
but, The Person, Who is now revealed as the Son of Man, was from Eternity;
and He is now ascended up, where He was before--John 6;62-[Turn].

As God told Moses [Exodus 6;3], that He was not made known to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, by the name Jehovah,
so, God The Father, and Jesus Christ were not actually revealed, by these names, until the incarnation.

Ephesians 1;3-4-[Turn].

God cannot be the God of another Divine Person, when both are absolute Deity.
But Jesus Christ, having come in the flesh, could say, ''My Father and my God''.

He was in the position of a man, relative to God, and The Son in relation to God the Father.

''The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ'' is God, as He is known in relation to Jesus Christ,
in HIS Meditorial capacity.

The Persons of the Godhead are eternally the same, though in Divine Wisdom, They may be known, by names not publicly revealed in Old Testament times.
We know Divine Persons only when They're made known to us, by names, which we can understand.

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