Monday, April 21, 2008


Regeneration involves a new relation to God, a new dynamic, and a new direction of will.

1. A New Relation To God--The Father is The Fountain of Grace.
Grace is the free and unmerited love of God arising from His own sovereign will-2 Timothy 1;9-
This is to the praise of the Father's glory--Ephesians 1;6--[Turn].

This grace manifestedly appears in the election of men, to the position of sons. It was not necessary that the Father have sons, since He always had a Dear and Beloved Son.

He was always pleased with The Eternal Son;
Therefore, It was an act of Grace, for God the Father, to take out sons from among mankind, bt
Redemption and Regeneration, into His Family.

2. A New Dynamic-This flows from union with Jesus Christ.
This Union was effected by Regeneration.

The application of Christ's Redemption to the soul, is to the praise of Christ's glory-Ephesians 1;

3. A New Direction of Will-This is the fruit of the indwelling Holy Spirit.
Man's will before Regeneration is directed against God, but, after The New Birth, It is subject to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

You see, God liberates the enslaved will of fallen man in Regeneration. Thus, the New Man is led by The Indwelling Holy Spirit, not dragged, nor forced.
This is to the praise of The Spirit's Glory--Ephesians 1;13-14--[Turn].

The ''Word of Truth'' can be heard only after the application of Redemption, which changes the direction of the will, to embrace the message of The Gospel.

Now, Get this truth; The New Birth is not the removal of anything, from the sinner, neither the changing of anything within the depraved person;
but it is the impartation of the principle of spiritual life, to the elect.
The principle of life never existed before, in The Chosen.

Thus he possesses a new heart, a new spirit, and a new ego [a conscious element that knows spiritual experiences].
Every descendant of Adam is born, with an ego, turned away from God;
but, in The New Birth, he is given an ego, that embraces Christ, as Lord and Saviour.

Today, There is a lot of confusion concerning Redemption's Application. Now, some earnestly contend that, Regeneration, Calling, and Conversion and Justification all occur at the same instant.
Hence, They say, that confusion comes from considering these as occurring in chronological order.
Their reasoning is that sensation and perception are not separated in time, even though the former is the cause, of the latter.

Their conclusion states that Regeneration, which makes man purely passive, has a benumbing effect upon Preaching.

They say that this antinomian dependence on the Spirit, extracts all vitality from the pulpit, and all sense of Responsibility from the hearer.
They strongly oppose the view, that Regeneration is so entirely due to God, that in no part of it, is man active.

Now, I use a Schofield Study Bible, but I don't agree with all of its notes.
Especially on The New Birth, in the Gospel of John--

There are 4 points, he emphasizes;
1. The Necessity of The New Birth grows out of the incapacity of the natural man, to see and enter [This is spiritual].

2. The New Birth is not a reformation, of the Old Nature, but a creative act of The Spirit-[Again this is spiritual].

But, Look at points 3 and 4-
3. The condition of The New Birth is faith in Christ, crucified.
4. Through The New Birth, the believer becomes a partaker of The Divine Nature.
The last 2 points demonstrate a lack of Biblical Interpretation.

Now, I ask, since when, have God's creative acts, been conditional/
The creative acts in Genesis 1, were conditional, upon what/
Was it necessary that God, get the approval of a nonentity, before He could create an entity/

Many people have lost sight of the fact, The New Birth is God's creative act, in the soul of man, who lacks faith, to embrace The Gospel.
No instrumental, or secondary causes are connected to God's creative act.

Now, Get this truth; When man's faith is made the condition of The New Birth, then necessity is laid upon God, to regenerate that person.
This is too ridiculous, to even think, much less for anyone, to propagate.

Did God, when He created the world, act because of any outside pressure/
The Answer is simple. . .
There was nothing outside to bring any pressure.
God, therefore, chose to create, not for the sake of creation, but for His own pleasure and glory.

The same principle is applied to all God's creative acts, whether to the heavens and earth, man, or the new creature in Christ Jesus.
God didn't create for the sake of His creatures;
neither does He redeem man for his sake.

There were no creatures when He created, and creatures must exist for their Creator, not the
Creator for the creatures.
As there was no creatures when God created, so there were no human beings, in fact, when God chose them in Christ, before the foundation of the world.

The elect people in view, therefore, must exist for the sovereign God, Who elected them. . .
God doesn't exist for people, who decide[/] They would like to have Him as Lord and Saviour.

3 important questions must be asked and answered, before Redemption, and its application can be properly understood;

Number1-Did God plan for Himself, or, for His creatures/

Number 2-Did God create for Himself, or, for His creatures/

Number 3-Did God live for Himself, or, for His creatures/

Now, Creation is the work of An Intelligent Being, The One, Who planned, or purposed, and works all things according to His plan, or purpose.

Luke 14;28-30-''For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it/ Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him, Saying this man began to build, and was not able to finish.''
Our Lord used this illustration to show that, that a bare profession of the Gospel, apart from
Regeneration, wouldn't continue.

Now, not professing high things, but living on the high by God's Grace, brings joy and assurance to the soul of the Redeemed--
Ephesians 2;6-''And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in
Christ Jesus;''
The One, Who first sits down, and counts the cost, is the One, Who considers whether the work of Grace is truly wrought in his soul.

Profession of faith is costly. It involves self denial, and must expect to suffer the loss of favor of lost relatives and friends.

Now, if our Lord expects this, of all, who profess to be His followers, What about His own purpose/
The foundation of God's plan, was laid in Eternity, by an all-wise Person.
the hands which laid the foundation, shall raise up the super-structure, of that which, He planned to accomplish.
And neither Satan, nor all his followers are able to thwart God's eternal purpose-
Isaiah 46;10-[TURN].

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