Thursday, April 10, 2008


God, The Eternal Word, was made flesh, for the purpose of redeeming Fallen Man. The Phrase,
''made flesh'' DOES NOT MEAN, that The Divine Nature was made human nature,or, that God, was changed into a man;
but, The Divine Nature assumed a human nature, without altering The Divine Person-Malachi 3;

There are two natures, Divine and Human, united in one Person, The Lord Jesus Christ.

There have been changes in God's method of operation, but never a change in His Divine Person, or in His Eternal Purpose.

Theistic Evolution is the theory, held by unbelieving Theologians.
They're fearful, of being classified as unscientific;
so they adopt evolution, as God's method of Creation.
The same Theologians, for the most part, view Genesis 1-11, as allegorical, or mythological.

Theistic Evolution starts man as far down the scale as possible, and through the process of
evolution, man becomes civilized and educated to the extent, that he becomes like God.

Now, Get this truth; If evolution was God's means of creation, He would have created man
imperfect and depraved--but, the truth is, God created man upright [finite perfection]
Ecclesiastes 7;29--[Turn].

Man's complete story can be stated in 3 words; Creation, Degeneration, and Regeneration.

Man, therefore, had no place, until he became the subject of creative power. This is true, both
Physically and Spiritually. . . Psalm 100;3--[Turn].

As man contributed nothing to his physical creation, neither does he give any assistance to his
Spiritual Birth.

Now, get this truth; Those, who believe, that man, in his depraved condition, must make the first move, to become a new creature, are as heretical, as those who, embrace Theistic Evolution.

This makes, a blind, deaf and helpless sinner, arise to the place of letting The Omnipotent,
Omniscient, Omnipresent and Sovereign God, make him, a new creature.

Next, We find that--Regeneration is not, a product, of man's depraved will, plus the work of The Holy Spirit.
It's The Creative Work of God, sovereignly wrought, in a heart, that is depraved, and unwilling, by nature.

The New Birth makes the unwilling, willing;
and the whosoever won't becomes the whosoever will. . .
John 3;20-[Turn].
John 5;40--''And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.''

Depraved man hates The One True, and Living God--Romans 1;30--[Turn].
He also hates The Light of God's Truth--
John 3;20-21--''For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.''

The depraved man also hates those, who are united to God, and embrace this truth--
John 15;18--''If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.''

This hatred for God and Truth, and unwillingness to come to the One True and Living God, is changed only, by the power of grace in Regeneration.

Now, someone asks; ''Didn't Nicodemus come to Christ, in his un-regenerated condition/
yes, but his coming was in the sense, that most Religionists go to Church and Sunday School.

You see, not all depraved people live in the gutter of sin.
Many of them enjoy getting together, for what they call, Church-related Activities.
But their ''God'' is one, whom they have conceived, in their depraved minds.
They don't fear, nor hate their ''God''.

But, as soon as, The Sovereign and Holy God, of The Bible is proclaimed, their hatred is manifested;
and they desire to kill Him, and all, who stand up for Him--
Luke 4;25-32--[Turn].
John 8;33-59--[Turn].

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