Friday, April 11, 2008


Covetousness often presents itself as prudence; the only correction is the grace of God.
Provision for temporal need is not the ruling principle of life--2 Corinthians 8;9 [Turn].

What is the rule of The Church, in this world/
The Church does not need the strong arm of the state, to accomplish God's Will in the World.
If that were required, the power of The Spirit in Regeneration, would be inadequate.

God instituted civil authority, as a moral governor of the world, to extend to all citizens without exception.
The realm of civil affairs is outside of The Church.

The Church's jurisdiction extends only to her members, and that of the state, only to its own citizens.

Next, We find, Christ's Redemptive Work discriminates between The Abels and Cains of
Are you an Abel, by the application, of Christ's blood in Regeneration/
Or, are you a Cain, because of your love for the social gospel, which rejects, and despises Christ's

You see, God's particular love distinguishes between ''Free Grace'' and ;''Free Will''.
This is seen in Esau and Jacob. . . The same mother bore the two, by the same father.
And before they were born, God said, The Elder should serve The Younger, contrary to custom.

Those who oppose Free Grace, present the case of Esau and Jacob, in a National Sense. They say it doesn't refer to individuals, but only, to Israel's national life.
Thus, they compare Romans 9, to Malachi 1;1-5.

But They forget that, the explanation of Malachi, is their spiritual condition.
Malachi wasn't talking about the temporal condition of Israel.

The Lord directed the murmuring Jews to His regard for Jacob personally over Esau.

God's everlasting love is the cause of His choice of particular persons to salvation.

Today, we hear much about God's elected plan. The word ''plan'' means a method of action, or procedure, a proper, or definite purpose.
God has a purpose, and His purpose is definite--Ephesians 3;11; Isaiah 46;10-11; Romans 8;28-
30; 2 Timothy 1;9--[Turn].

These are the questions, which must be answered;
[1] Did God purpose to save all mankind/
[2] Did He plan only to save some/

Now, if He planned to save all, why aren't all saved/
But, since He planned to save some, only believers, He didn't purpose to save all.

Love is, in its very nature, peculiar and personal--Jeremiah 31;3--[Turn].
God's love is not an inclination of His nature;
it is an act of His will.

There's no imperfection in God's love;
He is all-sufficient.

Now, Divine Love for all, not perfected in all, would be incomplete.

The great theme of Romans 8, is the love of the sovereign God towards the Elect.
The love is all from God's side, and shall be perfected, in all whom it was intended for.

The Esaus manifest their natural reasoning, quickly. They always argue from Reprobation, presenting it, as something awful, from God's standpoint.

The truth of Reprobation excites all unenlightened and prejudiced minds.
Their erroneous conclusion is that, God is unjust in giving some mercy, and others, justice.
But, who can find any injustice in that/

God ordains none, but sinners, to punishment.

He doesn't force any into sin, against his will;
but, He just leaves him, to his own natural desires.

Men are not lost, because they are hardened, but they're hardened, because they are lost.

No person is damned, who wants to be saved. If one, doesn't want to be saved, Why be angry at
God, because he is not chosen/

Calling and Receiving are relative terms.

All the Jacobs reason from the sovereignty of God. They believe that God can do, what He pleases, with His own, but, how humbled they are, for God's unmerited favor to them--Titus

God's absolute sovereignty discriminates between the Daniels and the Nebuchanezzar's--
Daniel 2;19-23; 4;20-31--[Turn].

God's sovereignty is the first of all rights, the fountain of all righteousness, and the ground of all justice.

God judges all creatures, but is judged by none.

He is sovereign in Redemption's application and provision.

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