Wednesday, April 9, 2008



Regeneration must be kept within the context of Redemption's Application.
The Application of Redemption, as well as its Planning, and its Providing, is of God.

The Application of Redemption comprises a series of acts and processes.
ROMANS 8;29-31--[TURN].

Glorification cannot come first, in The Divine Order;
it is the Consummation of Redemption.

You see, order must not be violated, because God is The God of Order--I CHRONICLES. 15;13 [TURN].
Regeneration is first, in the order, of Redemption's application.

Satan is the author of confusion.
Confusion must exist, that the approval, may be made manifest.
I Corinthians 11;19--''For there must be also heresies among you, that they which are approved may be made manifest among you.''

God has been pleased, to make known a method, in which, His Presence, is brought into the souls of men.
God's initial presence is brought into the souls, for Whom, Christ died, by their being born of The Spirit.

Now Get this Truth;
The series of Acts in Redemption's Application are devoid of God's presence, when performed, out of their proper sequence. . .

The Tabernacle in the wilderness illustrates that God is methodical in all His works.

The Spirit of God is required, to recognize The Orderliness of God.

When God revealed His Salvation to Israel, He began with Himself, where it first originated.
This is why, The Ark of the Covenant is the first vessel, mentioned in God's directions, for building The Tabernacle.

How could it be otherwise, and God be called, The God of Salvation/

Hebrews 13;20-21--[Turn].

Since God was first ''FOR'' us in planning and providing;
then, should He not be first ''IN'' as in applying/

The first vessel the Israelites saw was The Brazen Altar, but it wasn't the first vessel, in the order, given to Moses.
This vessel was outside The Tabernacle, but it was vitally connected, to the Tent of Meeting.
The Brazen Altar typified the provision God made for The Israelites, to enable them, to have access to The Ark of The Covenant, which denoted His Presence [Exodus 25-40].

There is blessed order in The Godhead. What the Father decreed, The Son purchased, and
The Holy Spirit applies.

The Holy Spirit is The Last in The Divine Order, but, first, in Redemption's Application.

Now, keep in mind, that The Person of Christ, was not recognized by non-regenerated
The Lord Jesus Christ pointed him, to the fact, that The New Birth, was effected by The Spirit of
God's Spirit would lead him to embrace Jesus Christ, and the Son of God would then reveal The

When this order is understood, no one will talk about Jesus dying for all men, and God loving all men.

Do not The Scriptures state, that we are begotten of God/
All 3 Persons of The Godhead are mentioned in Titus 3;5-6--[Turn].

Regeneration is ascribed in some places to God the Father--I Peter 1;3 [turn]. The Father's Will is stressed in this verse.

In other places, Regeneration is ascribed, to the Lord Jesus Christ--Isaiah 53;10--Turn. Now,
Here, the MERIT of the Lord Jesus Christ should be recognized.

Regeneration is also ascribed to The Holy Spirit--John 3;8--[Turn]. Here, The Spirit's EFFICACY is prominent.

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