Friday, March 28, 2008

25 Arguments

Previously, We stated that Regeneration is the first work of Grace in the application of

We want now to set forth 25 arguments, why this is so.

1. Regeneration is the implanting of the principle of life, by which the effectual call is heard, and
Christ is recognized--Proverbs 20;12.
An unregenerate person is spiritually deaf and blind.

2. Every operation of Saving Grace must be preceded by a quickening of the sinner--Ephesians
2;1. This quickening unstops deaf ears, and opens blind eyes.

3. Sinners need nothing to predispose them, for the implanting of new life; it is God, Who

4. God's act of calling life to the spiritually dead, is distinct from the call of the gospel, just as the
faculty of seeing is different from light.

5. Regeneration is an immediate, creative act of God, and no instrument, or secondary causes are
connected with it.

6. He that is effectually called, must be able to ''hear'' and ''come'' to Christ, and he is made able
by Regeneration.

7. The effectual call addresses itself to conscious life, is the call without. Regeneration comes from

8. The spiritual ability of faith is implanted in Regeneration; but it is exercised in conversion.
Faith is God's gift. [Philippians 1;29; Ephesians 2;8; 2 Thessalonians 3;2.

9. Regeneration changes the soil of the heart, before the Word of the gospel finds lodging--
Matthew 13;4-9, 18-23.
People may have human understanding of Divine things.

10. Regeneration gives sight to the spiritually blind [What is light to the blind/]

11. The work of the Spirit in Regeneration cannot be resisted--John 3;8; Romans 9;19;
Ephesians 1;18-20.

12. The will of the sinner in the 1st act of Conversion, does not move to embrace Jesus Christ,
except as he moves in the power of the regenerating Spirit.
There is an inward secret act of the Holy Spirit effecting with him, the will of conversion unto

13. The sinner has no potential power, other than the active power of God's Spirit in
There must be a new heart, a new will, or, new birth, before Repentance and Faith.

14. God's power works in Regeneration, not upon the truth, but upon the sinner. God cannot
make the truth more true.
Power comes from the Holy Spirit, whose instrument is the Word of God.

15. In Regeneration, God gives understanding too the mind, that has no understanding of
spiritual things. I Corinthians 2;12-14.
By his fall, man lost the ability, to understand spiritual things.
The understanding, God gives, is A Revelation-- I John 5;20; Matthew 16;17.
This understanding is subjective, enabling one to know, what is revealed--Ephesians 4;23;
Colossians 3;10; 2 Corinthians 4;6.

16. Regeneration is a Divine quickening, that makes the soul, a fit subject for calling, and a proper
subject for conversion.

17. It is the fountain, from which, a life of holiness is carried on in sanctification, and perfected in

18. Regeneration takes place, in the sphere of man's unconsciousness, I.E. Outside the sphere of
conscious attention.
The gospel addresses itself to the consciousness of man.
19. In God's light [Regeneration] shall the Regenerate see light--Psalm 36;9.
Only in the Spirit's light, can the sinner see Christ, the Light of the World.

20. Christians can know nothing, by the observation of his own beginnings in Regeneration

21. Regeneration is the conception of new life. The effectual call is the bringing forth of that life,
by Divine summons, into the light of the Gospel.

22. There is a great difference in how the Spirit works, before and after Regeneration. Before
Regeneration, He works upon sinners, as dead creatures that work not with Him; after
regeneration, He works in their souls, prompting and assisting them to work. Romans 8;
26; Philippians 2;12-13.
The Spirit's sanctifying influence remains forever, in the souls of the regenerate; consolation
belongs to their well-being.
In Regeneration, they are positionally fixed; whereas, in sanctification, they vary in their
condition of life.
Regeneration assures of heaven; progressive sanctification brings a foretaste of Heaven, to
the regenerated on earth.

23. The whole change in sinful man from regeneration and its subsequent results-conversion and
sanctification--is by the power of God's Spirit--Ephesians 1;19
There is no conflict between regeneration by the Spirit and justification through faith, when
faith is understood to be the ''gift of God.''

24. Regeneration subjectively considered, is not an act performed by the sinner. Did Lazarus
raise himself from the dead/

25. Regeneration of the soul, doesn't change the chemistry of the Body. It does not cancel
physical death. The body dies mortally.


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